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A brilliant subtitle to explain its catchiness

Our goat milk is supplied exclusively by Wilton Creek Dairy. Jeff and Hannah started the herd almost 10 years ago with 45 goats. After renovating the old family cow barn, they now milk approximately 300 animals.

The goats are fed a grass fed diet, and the whole process is based on natural farming techniques and animal husbandry. Healthy and happy goats produce healthy and delicious milk! Wilton Creek Dairy also sells their whole goat milk. 

Our water buffalo milk is supplied exclusively by the Ontario Water Buffalo Company. In 2008, Martin Littkemann and Lori Smith purchased  40 Italian-bred water buffalo from Vermont. In September 2008 they started milking, and soon after purchased 10 Bulgarian water buffalo from Fairburn Farm in British Columbia. Their herd currently numbers over three hundred and fifty buffalo! Water buffalo milk contains lactase, the enzyme your body needs to break down lactose.  If you are lactose intolerant, talk to your doctor or allergist about buffalo milk.

The Ontario Water Buffalo Company has a retail shop on their farm in Sterling offering a variety of buffalo cheeses, fresh and cured meats, ice cream and farm tours.

Our cow milk is supplied exclusively by Quinte Crest Farm, just a few minutes northwest of Fifth Town. The proprietor, Jean McCormack has 30 happy holsteins under her care.